As a consumer, you have legal rights when it comes to questioning your credit file. The items on your credit report, along with some other factors, make up your credit score. Ensuring that any negative items are there lawfully and accurately is an essential part of ensuring healthy credit. Credit Correction professionals put the burden of proof on the reporting agencies and challenge questionable, negative items. If these items do not meet rigorous contest and removed from the file, for most, a positive change to the person’s credit occurs. Reputable Credit Correction professionals usually work within the legal field and help client’s in all areas of credit health.

If your credit is being effected by negative items and you are unsure of their legitimacy, if you recently completed a bankruptcy or are in the midst of financial turmoil, if it’s been more than a year since you’ve reviewed your credit reports, or if you are in the market for a home or auto loan and want to get the best rate, this service may be for you.

To learn more about Credit Correction, click the button to the right to request a professional consultation with one of our trusted partners.

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